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DevNet is Cisco’s developer program to help developers and IT professionals who want to write applications and develop integrations with Cisco products, platforms, and APIs. DevNet provides documentation, tutorials, sample code, code sandbox, and community resources for various topics such as network automation, security, data center, IoT, and collaboration.

A DevNet Engineer is a network engineer who has the skills and knowledge to develop and maintain applications and solutions that use Cisco platforms and APIs. A DevNet Engineer can also automate network operations and processes using software tools and techniques. A DevNet Engineer can work in different domains, such as enterprise, service provider, data center, security, and collaboration.

Some of the roles and responsibilities of a DevNet Engineer are:

  • Designing, developing, testing, and deploying network applications and solutions using Cisco platforms and APIs
  • Implementing network automation and orchestration using tools such as Ansible, Puppet, Chef, and Cisco NSO
  • Using programming languages such as Python, Java, Go, and C to write scripts and programs for network tasks and functions
  • Using frameworks and libraries such as Flask, Django, RESTful, and gRPC to create web services and APIs for network communication and integration
  • Using version control and collaboration tools such as Git, GitHub, and Cisco Webex Teams to manage and share code and projects
  • Using testing and debugging tools such as PyTest, Postman, and Cisco DNA Center to verify and troubleshoot network applications and solutions
  • Using cloud and container technologies such as AWS, Azure, Docker, and Kubernetes to deploy and run network applications and solutions
  • Using data analysis and visualization tools such as Splunk, Grafana, and Cisco Tetration to monitor and optimize network performance and quality
  • Using machine learning and artificial intelligence tools such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Cisco AppDynamics to enhance and automate network functions and features
  • Learning and following the best practices and standards for network development and engineering
  • Collaborating and communicating with other developers, network engineers, and stakeholders to deliver network solutions that meet the business and user needs

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