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- Create Date February 2, 2022
- Last Updated March 16, 2023
VPN (Virtual Private Network) simply means an encrypted connection over a public network (for example the internet) from one device (site) to another. IPsec is the technique by which the data between the two sites is encrypted hence ensuring a secure communication (tunnel) between the two parties.
IPsec VPNs provide the cheaper alternative for site-to-site communications compared to setting up dedicated connections between sites (also known as leased lines).
Common practical deployments for IPsec VPNs include:
- Companies whose cloud infrastructure is setup in hybrid mode. Hybrid mode means the company has nodes hosted on their private datacenter but also has some servers/nodes hosted in the public cloud. In such a scenario, you would need a VPN between your private datacenter and the public cloud.
- Companies that host APIs available to 3rd party clients. To offer extra protection, the host company might require all it’s clients to integrate the API connection over IPsec VPNs.
- A company with two or more offices/premises in different geographical locations but wish to share some services and resources. Instead of setting up expensive dedicated connections, you can opt to setup IPsec VPN over the already existing internet connection.
- Companies wishing to provide remote access to 3rd party vendors and service provides for technical support.
Before the IPsec VPN is successfully setup between two parties (e.g., Company (A) and Company (B)), it’s necessary to share the information that is required to establish the VPN. Here is a template to do just that. The Network Engineer for company (A) is the initiator and will fill in the parameter and send to the Network Engineer of company (B). The configuration can only start after receiving the response from company (B).