Frequently Asked Interview Questions & Answers on Network Function Virtualization (NFV) in Telecommunications

Frequently Asked Interview Questions & Answers on Network Function Virtualization (NFV) in Telecommunications

  1. Understand the limitations of traditional hardware-based network deployments in the telecom industry.
  2. Grasp the fundamental concepts and benefits of NFV.
  3. Describe the role of ETSI and the standardization efforts in driving NFV adoption.
  4. Explain the three main components of the NFV architectural framework: NFVI, VNF, and MANO.
  5. Understand the role of orchestration and the NFV Orchestrator (NFVO) in automating NFV deployments.

A.) Understand the limitations of traditional hardware-based network deployments in the telecom industry.

Question 1: What are some of the key challenges faced by telecom operators with traditional, hardware-based network deployments, particularly in terms of scalability, flexibility, and speed?

Answer 1: Telecom operators using traditional hardware-based deployments face several challenges. Scalability is a major concern, as adding capacity often requires lengthy procurement and installation processes for new hardware. This makes it difficult to quickly respond to traffic growth or new service demands. Flexibility is also limited, as hardware appliances are typically designed for specific functions, making it challenging to adapt to changing network requirements or introduce new services quickly.  The speed of innovation and service deployment is hindered by these rigid hardware-centric architectures, leading to longer lead times and reduced competitiveness.

Reasoning 1: The answer highlights the limitations of traditional hardware-based deployments, focusing on scalability, flexibility, and speed, and why these are pain points for telecom operators.

Question 2: How do these limitations impact the business operations of telecom providers, especially in relation to new product launches and meeting evolving customer demands?

Answer 2: The limitations of traditional deployments directly impact telecom operators’ business operations and competitiveness.  Slow deployment cycles for new hardware translate into delayed product launches and missed market opportunities.  The lack of flexibility makes it difficult to adapt services to evolving customer demands or quickly introduce new features, potentially leading to customer churn.  Furthermore, the inefficient use of resources in hardware-centric networks can lead to higher operating costs, affecting profitability. 

Reasoning 2: The answer elaborates on the business impact, including missed opportunities, reduced agility, and higher costs, directly resulting from the limitations discussed in the previous question.

Question 3: Can you provide real-world examples of situations where these limitations have led to significant difficulties or missed opportunities for telecom operators?

Answer 3:  Consider the rapid surge in demand for mobile data driven by video streaming and social media. Telecom operators relying on traditional hardware deployments often struggled to scale their networks quickly enough, leading to congestion, slow speeds, and customer dissatisfaction.  Similarly, the slow rollout of new technologies like 5G in some regions can be partly attributed to the inflexibility of legacy infrastructure.  This delay allows competitors with more agile networks to capture market share and gain a competitive advantage.

Reasoning 3: The answer provides real-world scenarios, such as difficulties scaling networks for data traffic or delays in adopting new technologies, illustrating the practical consequences of these limitations.

B.) Grasp the fundamental concepts and benefits of NFV.

Question 1: Explain the core principles of NFV and how it addresses the limitations of traditional network deployments. Focus on the decoupling of network functions from hardware and itsimpact on scalability and flexibility.

Answer 1:  NFV revolutionizes networking by separating network functions (like firewalls, routers, etc.) from dedicated hardware and running them as software on standard servers. This separation, known as decoupling, is the core principle.  Instead of hardware appliances, network functions become Virtual Network Functions (VNFs).  This brings immense scalability, as you can increase capacity by deploying more VNF instances on-demand, using readily available servers.  Flexibility also increases, as you can easily deploy, scale, and chain VNFs to create new services or modify existing ones without hardware constraints.

Reasoning 1: The answer explains the core principle of decoupling, defining VNFs, and directly links it to enhanced scalability and flexibility, addressing the core of the question.

Question 2: What are the key benefits of NFV for telecom operators in terms of cost reduction, service agility, and operational efficiency?  Provide specific examples of how these benefits are achieved.

Answer 2:  NFV offers significant benefits: Cost reduction is achieved by using commodity hardware instead of expensive proprietary appliances, reducing both initial investment and maintenance costs. Service agility is enhanced as operators can rapidly deploy new services by spinning up VNFs, shortening time-to-market. For example, launching a new mobile data plan can be done in software within days instead of months. Operational efficiency improves through automation. Tasks like VNF provisioning and scaling can be automated, reducing manual intervention and the risk of errors.

Reasoning 2: The answer clearly outlines the key benefits (cost reduction, service agility, operational efficiency), explains how each is achieved in the context of NFV, and provides a specific example to illustrate service agility.

Question 3:  How does NFV leverage virtualization technologies like virtual machines (VMs) to achieve its objectives? Explain the relationship between VNFs, VMs, and the underlying hardware infrastructure.

Answer 3:  NFV relies heavily on virtualization. Primarily, it uses virtual machines (VMs) to create isolated environments on standard servers.  Each VM acts as a container hosting a VNF. The relationship is hierarchical: the hardware infrastructure sits at the bottom, with a hypervisor layer enabling virtualization. On top of the hypervisor, multiple VMs run, each containing a VNF.  This allows multiple VNFs, potentially from different vendors, to share the same physical server without interfering with each other.

Reasoning 3: The answer breaks down the technology: VMs as containers for VNFs. It then explains the hierarchical relationship from hardware to VMs and VNFs, highlighting the role of the hypervisor and the benefit of resource sharing.

C.) Describe the role of ETSI and the standardization efforts in driving NFV adoption.

Question 1:  What prompted the formation of the ISG NFV group within ETSI, and what is its significance in the development and adoption of NFV?

Answer 1: The industry recognized the need for a standardized approach to NFV to ensure interoperability and accelerate its adoption.  This led to the formation of the Industry Specification Group for NFV (ISG NFV) within ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) in 2012.  This group, comprising major telecom operators, vendors, and research institutions, played a pivotal role in developing a common architectural framework and specifications for NFV.  This standardization effort was crucial in driving NFV adoption by providing a common ground for vendors and operators to develop and deploy interoperable solutions.

Reasoning 1: The answer pinpoints the driving force: the need for standardization in NFV. It explains the purpose of ISG NFV, its key players, and its role in creating a standardized framework, emphasizing its significance for adoption and interoperability.

Question 2: What were the primary goals and motivations behind the standardization efforts for NFV, and how do these standards contribute to interoperability and vendor neutrality in NFV deployments?

Answer 2:  The standardization efforts, spearheaded by ETSI, aimed to avoid industry fragmentation and vendor lock-in, which had hindered innovation in traditional telecom.  The primary goals were to define a common architecture, interfaces, and data models for NFV. This ensures that VNFs from different vendors can seamlessly work together and on any compliant NFVI, fostering interoperability.  By defining open standards, ETSI promoted vendor neutrality, allowing operators to choose best-in-class solutions from multiple vendors without being tied to a single supplier.

Reasoning 2: The answer outlines the primary goals: preventing fragmentation and vendor lock-in. It clearly explains how standardized architecture and interfaces achieve interoperability, while open standards promote vendor neutrality, addressing the key aspects of the question.

Question 3:  How has the work of ETSI impacted the NFV ecosystem, particularly in terms of industry collaboration, vendor participation, and the development of a common architectural framework?

Answer 3:  ETSI’s work has been transformative. It created a neutral ground for industry collaboration, bringing together competitors to work on open standards.  This fostered a vibrant NFV ecosystem with broad industry support.  The standardization effort attracted a wide range of vendors, large and small, encouraging them to develop NFV-compliant solutions.  This led to increased innovation and a rich ecosystem of interoperable products and services.  Importantly, the development of a common architectural framework provided a blueprint for NFV deployments, simplifying adoption for operators and guiding vendors.

Reasoning 3: The answer clearly outlines the impact: fostering collaboration, attracting vendors, promoting innovation, and simplifying adoption through a common framework, addressing each aspect of ETSI’s influence on the NFV ecosystem.

D.)  Explain the three main components of the NFV architectural framework: NFVI, VNF, and MANO.

Question 1: Describe the function of each component (NFVI, VNF, and MANO) within the NFV framework and explain how they interact with each other.
Answer 1:  The NFV framework consists of three main components:
i) NFVI (NFV Infrastructure): The hardware and virtualization layer, including servers, storage, networking, and the hypervisor. It provides the platform on which VNFs run. 
ii) VNF (Virtual Network Function): Software implementing a specific network function (firewall, router, etc.). VNFs are deployed on the NFVI
iii) MANO (Management and Orchestration): Responsible for managing and orchestrating the entire NFV environment. It handles VNF lifecycle management, resource allocation, and service orchestration.
These components interact to enable NFV. The MANO instructs the NFVI to create resources, deploys VNFs on the NFVI, and manages their lifecycle. VNFs, in turn, use the resources provided by the NFVI.
Reasoning 1: The answer clearly defines each component: NFVI as the foundation, VNF as the software functions, and MANO as the orchestrator. It then explains their interactions: MANO managing NFVI and deploying VNFs, highlighting the interconnected nature of the framework.

Question 2: What is the role of a hypervisor in the NFVI layer, and how does it contribute to the virtualization of network resources?
Answer 2: The hypervisor is a software layer within the NFVI that sits directly on the physical hardware. Its primary role is to enable virtualization by abstracting the physical resources of the server (CPU, memory, storage, network) and presenting them to the VMs as virtual resources. This allows multiple VMs, each running its own operating system and VNF, to share a single physical server as if they were independent machines. This is crucial for efficient resource utilization and flexibility in NFV.
Reasoning 2: The answer accurately positions the hypervisor within the NFVI and explains its role in abstracting physical resources into virtual ones for VMs. It emphasizes how this enables multiple VMs on a server, directly contributing to resource efficiency and flexibility.

Question 3: Explain the concept of “FCAPS” in the context of VNF and MANO, and how it relates to the management and orchestration of virtualized network functions.
Answer 3:  FCAPS stands for Fault management, Configuration, Assurance, Performance, and Security. It represents the key operational aspects of network management. In the context of NFV, MANO systems are responsible for providing FCAPS functionality for VNFs.  This means the MANO needs to handle fault detection and recovery for VNFs, configure VNF parameters, monitor their performance, ensure security compliance, and provide assurance of the services they deliver.  FCAPS is essential for the efficient and reliable operation of virtualized network functions.
Reasoning 3: The student did not provide an answer. The generated answer breaks down the acronym FCAPS, explaining each element. It then connects FCAPS to VNF and MANO, stating that MANO systems are responsible for providing these management aspects, highlighting its crucial role in ensuring reliable NFV operations.

E.) Understand the role of orchestration and the NFV Orchestrator (NFVO) in automating NFV deployments.

Question 1: Why is orchestration considered crucial for realizing the full potential of NFV, especially in terms of automation and service agility?
Answer 1: Orchestration is crucial in NFV because it automates the management of complex VNF deployments and their lifecycle, enabling the agility and efficiency that NFV promises.  Without orchestration, deploying and managing even a moderate number of VNFs would be highly manual, error-prone, and time-consuming, negating the benefits of moving away from hardware-centric approaches.  Orchestration enables service agility by automating the on-demand deployment and scaling of VNFs, crucial for responding to dynamic market demands and delivering services quickly.
Reasoning 1: The answer emphasizes the importance of orchestration for automation, explaining that it is vital for realizing NFV’s potential for agility and efficiency. It highlights that manual VNF management would negate NFV’s benefits and directly links orchestration to service agility.

Question 2: What are the key functions and responsibilities of the NFV Orchestrator (NFVO) within an NFV deployment? Explain how the NFVO interacts with other components like VIM and VNF Manager to achieve automation.
Answer 2: The NFVO is the brain of an NFV deployment.  Its key functions include:
i) Onboarding VNFs: Adding VNF catalog entries, defining their requirements.
ii) Instantiating and terminating VNFs: Deploying and removing VNF instances on demand.
iii) Resource allocation: Working with the VIM to allocate compute, storage, and network resources to VNFs.
iv) Service Orchestration: Chaining VNFs together to create complex services. 
The NFVO interacts with the VIM (Virtualized Infrastructure Manager) to request and manage resources and with the VNF Manager to deploy, configure, and monitor individual VNF instances. These interactions happen through standardized interfaces, enabling automation and coordinated management.
Reasoning 2: The answer clearly defines the NFVO as central to NFV, outlining its core functions: onboarding, instantiation, resource allocation, and service orchestration. It then explains how the NFVO interacts with VIM and VNF Manager, emphasizing the use of standardized interfaces for automation.

Question 3: How does the NFVO handle resource orchestration, ensuring that sufficient compute, storage, and network resources are available for deploying and scaling VNFs?
Answer 3:  The NFVO is responsible for ensuring sufficient resources are available for VNF deployments. It does this by:
i) Maintaining a global view: The NFVO has a complete view of the available resources in the NFVI, provided by the VIM.
ii) Predictive analysis (optional): Advanced NFVOs may use predictive analytics to forecast resource needs based on historical data or service demands.
iii) Resource reservation: Based on VNF requirements and policies, the NFVO can reserve resources in advance to guarantee availability during deployment or scaling.
iv) Dynamic allocation/re-allocation: During runtime, the NFVO monitors resource utilization and can dynamically allocate or re-allocate resources to VNFs to meet changing demands or address potential bottlenecks.
Reasoning 3: The answer provides a clear breakdown of how the NFVO ensures resource availability. It highlights the NFVO’s global view, the possibility of predictive analysis, the mechanism of resource reservation, and the dynamic allocation and reallocation during operation.

About the Author

Joshua Makuru Nomwesigwa is a seasoned Telecommunications Engineer with vast experience in IP Technologies; he eats, drinks, and dreams IP packets. He is a passionate evangelist of the forth industrial revolution (4IR) a.k.a Industry 4.0 and all the technologies that it brings; 5G, Cloud Computing, BigData, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT), Quantum Computing, etc. Basically, anything techie because a normal life is boring.

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