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YANG is an acronym that stands for Yet Another Next Generation

YANG is a data modeling language that is designed to be readable by both humans and machines. It is used to model the configuration data, state data, remote procedure calls (RPCs), and notifications used by network configuration management protocols (such as NETCONF and RESTCONF). YANG can also be used to model application-specific data.

YANG is a modular language that represents data structures in an XML tree format. The data modeling language comes with a number of built-in data types. Additional application-specific data types can be derived from the built-in data types. More complex reusable data structures can be represented as groupings.

YANG is a standardized language that was developed by the IETF Network Configuration Working Group (NETCONF WG). The first version of YANG was published as RFC 6020 in 2010. The second version of YANG was published as RFC 7950 in 2016. There are also several other RFCs that define extensions and guidelines for using YANG.

YANG is a powerful language that can be used to build data models for various network devices and services. It can also be used to define operations and notifications that can be performed on the data models. YANG enables interoperability and automation of network configuration and management.

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