SDLC – Software Development Life Cycle

(SDLC) is a term used in the software industry to describe a series of steps a software developer goes through when creating a new software product. The SDLC is a process of planning, writing, and modifying software. It encompasses a set of procedures, methods, and techniques used in software development. Developers use the approach as they design and write modern software for computers, cloud deployment, mobile phones, video games, and more.

The SDLC is important because it helps ensure that the right people are involved in the right activities at the right times. A well-defined SDLC also allows you to measure your progress relative to your goals and gives you a way to ensure everything is on track. Using a structured approach to developing software helps ensure that your project will be successful by allowing you to:

  1. Understand your requirements and how you want your software to work
  2. Identify risks at an early stage
  3. Plan how you will deliver your solution in stages, such as building prototypes or writing functional specifications
  4. Be sure that each stage of development fits with what has gone before and what comes next.

The process of the SDLC encompasses all aspects of the software-making process. It begins with scoping the requirements you need for your program and ends with you delivering it and managing maintenance protocols. Each stage in the SDLC has its own set of activities that need to be performed by the team members involved in the development project. The cycle can vary from company to company and from project to project, but it generally includes these stages:

  1. Brainstorm, set goals, and identify risks: The first step in the SDLC is brainstorming. It’s when you gather everyone together and start throwing ideas around. At this stage, you come up with your business goals, requirements, specifications, and any high-level risks that might hinder the project’s success.
  2. Analyze requirements, complete a feasibility study, and create a plan: Once you’ve gathered your ideas, it’s time to organize them into a cohesive plan and design. You analyze the requirements and conduct a feasibility study to determine if the project is viable and worth pursuing. You also create a detailed plan that outlines the scope, schedule, budget, resources, and deliverables of the project.
  3. Software design: In this stage, you design the architecture and structure of your software. You define how the different components of your software will interact with each other and with external systems. You also decide on the technologies, tools, frameworks, and standards that you will use to develop your software.
  4. Software development: This is where you actually write the code for your software. You follow the design specifications and use the chosen technologies and tools to implement the functionality of your software. You also document your code and adhere to coding standards and best practices.
  5. Testing: In this stage, you verify that your software meets the requirements and works as expected. You perform various types of testing, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, performance testing, security testing, usability testing, etc. You also fix any bugs or defects that you find during testing.
  6. Deployment: In this stage, you deploy your software to the target environment where it will be used by the end-users or clients. You may also need to install or configure any dependencies or prerequisites that your software requires. You also perform acceptance testing to ensure that your software meets the acceptance criteria of the stakeholders.
  7. Maintenance: In this stage, you monitor and maintain your software after it has been deployed. You provide technical support and troubleshoot any issues that arise. You also update or enhance your software as needed to meet changing requirements or customer feedback.

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