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GPTZero – “Humans Deserve the Truth” is a WebApp that uses ChatGPT against itself, checking whether there is “zero involvement” or “a lot of involvement” by the ChatGPT AI in creating content. GPTZero was developed by Edward Tian, a 22-year old senior at Princeton University to combat the abuse and misuse of ChatGPT. Ironically, GPTZero uses ChatGPT models to detect text written by the ChatGPT. Edward Tian’s motivation for creating GPTZero is mostly transparency. “Humans deserve to know when something is written by a human or written by a machine,” he said, hence the phrase “Humans Deserve the Truth“.

A GPTZero also has an API that detects whether text was generated by AI. The API accepts both files and text input, and returns probabilities on the sentence, paragraph, and document level.

More information about the GPTZero API can be found here.


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