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- Create Date March 27, 2023
- Last Updated March 27, 2023
WireShark is an open source network packet analyzer used to capture packets in real time flowing through the network. Wireshark is also used to analyze packets captured by other applications or Wireshark in an offline manner. It provides a simple command line (CLI) or graphical user interface (GUI) to analyze and sniff network traffic over an interface like Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, token ring, frame relay, and many more.
Wireshark presents a flexible way to filter the desired data to be captured through capture filters and, while analyzing, limit packets being shown in a capture through display filters. Wireshark has many other robust packet flow analysis and decode tools integrated, which makes it an indispensable weapon in the armory of networking and security professionals. Also at the same time, it’s used in educational institutes for teaching networking protocols.