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- Create Date March 30, 2023
- Last Updated March 30, 2023
A resume is a brief summary of your qualifications, education, and experiences relevant to your job search objective. The purpose of a resume is to obtain an interview Employers will spend less than 30 seconds reviewing your resume; therefore, the information must be conveyed in a clear, well-organized style.
"The Do’s"
• Do design your descriptions to focus on your accomplishments, using action verbs to clearly indicate the skills you’ve used.
• Do try quantifying results in your descriptions, such as “Created marketing campaign that increased club membership by 25% ”
• Do keep your resume brief enough to fit on one page (or two pages if your experience is extensive)
• Do print your resume on good quality bond paper, either white or conservative tones If printed on plain computer paper, copy onto good quality bond paper
• Do accompany your resume with a cover letter in most cases
• Do have others look over your resume for content and grammar.
"The Don'ts"
• Don’t make your margins and font size too small: margins no smaller than one inch and font size no smaller than 10 point
• Don’t include personal pronouns (e g I, me, we)
• Don’t include personal information, physical characteristics, or photographs on your resume.
• Don’t include the last line: “References available upon request”.