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- Create Date October 4, 2023
- Last Updated October 4, 2023
Nmap is an in-depth and powerful network scanning tool that every cybersecurity enthusiast should commit to knowing and using in the CLI. Here are some essential Nmap commands you can keep in handy:
1. For Basic Scanning:
# nmap domain.com
2. Scanning Specific Ports:
# nmap -p 80,443 domain.com
3. For OS Fingerprinting:
# nmap -O domain.com
4. For Aggressive Scanning:
# nmap -A domain.com
5. For Script Scanning:
# nmap -sC domain.com
These commands help you discover open ports, identify operating systems, and more! Explore and stay secure!
This document is a cheat sheet consisting of some frequently used Nmap commands that should help you with your scanning activities.