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- Create Date March 27, 2023
- Last Updated March 27, 2023
C-V2X - Connects vehicles to everything around them Enhancing the safety of an intelligent transportation system
- V2V: Vehicle-to-vehicle e.g., collision avoidance safety systems. C-V2X messages on a sidelink channel provide a Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) sensor for vehicles.
- V2I: Vehicle-to-Infrastructure e.g., Red light violation warning. Roadside Units (RSUs) broadcast messages on a sidelink channel to enhance safety at intersections.
- V2N: Vehicle-to-network e.g., real-time traffic/routing, cloud services. V2N messages enable value-add use cases for drivers, vehicle OEMs and road operators.
- V2P: Vehicle-to-pedestrian e.g., safety alerts to/from Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) like bicyclists/pedestrians. Vehicles/VRUs broadcast messages on a sidelink channel allowing other actors to take appropriate action.