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- Create Date May 4, 2023
- Last Updated May 4, 2023
An AWS administrator is someone who manages and operates workloads on AWS cloud services. Some of the roles and responsibilities of an AWS administrator are:
• To establish metrics and carefully monitor the health and utilization of AWS resources on a large scale by using Amazon CloudWatch.
• To maintain a backup of the resources and ensure their availability and reliability.
• To deploy automation infrastructure by using AWS CloudFormation or other tools.
• To implement security controls and compliance requirements for AWS resources.
• To use both the AWS Management Console and the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) to perform various tasks.
• To understand the AWS Well-Architected Framework and apply its best practices to AWS workloads.
• To troubleshoot and resolve any issues related to AWS services or applications.
An AWS administrator may also need to work with other AWS roles, such as developers, architects, or DevOps engineers, depending on the project requirements and scope.