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- Create Date June 8, 2023
- Last Updated June 8, 2023
Q1) what is DevOps?
By the name DevOps, it’s very clear that it’s a collaboration of Development as well as Operations. But one should know that DevOps is not a tool, or a software or framework, DevOps is a Combination of tools which helps for the automation of whole infrastructure. DevOps is basically and implementation of Agile methodology on Development side as well as Operations side.
Q2) why do we need DevOps?
To fulfil the need of delivering more and faster and better application to meet more and more demands of users, we need DevOps. DevOps helps deployment to happen really fast compared to any other traditional tools.
Q3) Mention the key aspects or principle behind DevOps?
The key aspects or principle behind DevOps is:
- Infrastructure as a Code
- Continuous Integration
- Continuous Deployment
- Automation
- Continuous Monitoring
- Security
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