DevSecOps LAB Guide: A Jenkins Docker Pipeline Implementation

DevSecOps LAB Guide: A Jenkins Docker Pipeline Implementation

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  • Create Date December 4, 2024
  • Last Updated December 4, 2024

This project involved implementing a Jenkins Docker Pipeline, integrating multiple tools and techniques to achieve a fully automated CI/CD workflow. The project focused on DevOps best practices, security integration, and seamless deployment processes.

Infrastructure Setup:

  • Launched an AWS instance (t2.large) as the base environment.
  • Installed and configured Jenkins, Git, Docker, and Trivy to support the pipeline requirements.

Tool Integrations:

  • Configured Jenkins Plugins such as SonarQube, NodeJS, OWASP Dependency Check, and Docker Pipeline for enhanced functionality.
  • Set up SonarQube using a Docker container for static code analysis and quality gate checks.

Pipeline Configuration:

Using a declarative Jenkins pipeline, the following steps were achieved:

  1. Clean Workspace: Cleared previous builds and logs to maintain a clean state.
  2. Code Management: Integrated Git to pull the source code from the repository.
  3. Static Code Analysis: Utilized SonarQube for analyzing the codebase and ensuring it meets quality standards.
  4. Quality Gates Check: Automated the process of verifying quality thresholds.
  5. Dependency Management: Installed project dependencies using NodeJS and conducted an OWASP Dependency Check to identify potential vulnerabilities.
  6. Vulnerability Scanning: Leveraged Trivy to scan files and Docker images for vulnerabilities.
  7. Docker Build and Push: Built a Docker image, tagged it, and pushed it to a remote Docker registry.
  8. Deployment: Deployed the Docker container, running the application on port 3000.

Security and Compliance:

  • Integrated security scans at multiple stages using OWASP and Trivy to ensure the application and its dependencies are secure and free of vulnerabilities.

Automation Success:

  • This pipeline enables the entire process, from code analysis and vulnerability scanning to image building and deployment, to run seamlessly with minimal manual intervention.
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