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- Create Date September 11, 2024
- Last Updated September 11, 2024
Here are some of the most useful Cisco routing and switching commands along with brief descriptions of what each command is used for:
Basic Configuration Commands
1. enable: Moves a user from user exec mode to privileged exec mode, indicated by the # symbol.
2. configure terminal: Enters global configuration mode from privileged exec mode.
3. hostname [name]: Sets the hostname for the device.
4. interface [type/number]: Enters interface configuration mode for the specified interface (e.g., interface fastethernet 0/1).
Interface Configuration Commands
1. ip address [address] [subnet mask]: Assigns an IP address and subnet mask to an interface.
2. no shutdown: Activates an interface (brings it up).
3. description [text]: Adds a description to an interface for documentation purposes.
Routing Commands
1. ip route [destination network] [subnet mask] [next-hop address]: Configures a static route.
2. router ospf [process-id]: Enters OSPF router configuration mode.
3. network [network address] [wildcard mask] area [area-id]: Specifies networks to be included in the OSPF process.
VLAN Commands
1. vlan [vlan-id]: Creates a VLAN and enters VLAN configuration mode.
2. name [vlan-name]: Assigns a name to a VLAN.
3. switchport mode access: Sets the interface to access mode.
4. switchport access vlan [vlan-id]: Assigns an access VLAN to an interface.
Security Commands
1. enable secret [password]: Sets an encrypted password for privileged exec mode.
2. line vty 0 4: Enters line configuration mode for virtual terminal lines.
3. password [password]: Sets a password for line access.
4. login: Enables password checking on a line.
Monitoring and Troubleshooting Commands
1. show running-config: Displays the current configuration in RAM.
2. show ip interface brief: Provides a summary of the IP addresses and status of all interfaces.
3. show version: Displays information about the Cisco IOS version and hardware.
4. ping [destination]: Tests connectivity to a specific IP address.
5. traceroute [destination]: Traces the route packets take to a destination.
These commands are essential for configuring, managing, and troubleshooting Cisco network devices. If you need more detailed explanations or have specific scenarios in mind, feel free to ask in our experts section!