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- Create Date June 19, 2023
- Last Updated June 19, 2023
How to choose the best model for your startup?
One of the sure ways to validate your startup is with a working business model. It proves that there is a valid connection between your clients and your business.
The business model answers the questions:
- Who buys your products? And why?
- Where do customers buy your products?
- How much does the customer pay for the product/service?
So before choosing the model, ask yourself:
- Who is my customer?
- What’s the domain of my business?
- How is my business different from the competitors?
- What value do I bring to my customers?
Here are some tips for finding the right business model(s) for you:
- Don’t be afraid to experiment and iterate.
- You can have more than one business model.
- Analyze your competitors and how they monetize.
- Use a business model canvas to get a clear picture.
- Gather analytics of business models and client segments.
- Optimize for the clients that have the most future lifetime value.
Find out which business model works best for your product in this download