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TECS OpenPalette is a container cloud platform developed by ZTE based on the open source container engine Docker and the container orchestration system Kubernetes. It is designed to support the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) industry with a PaaS (Platform as a Service) solution that enables cloud-native application development, operation, and hosting. TECS OpenPalette also enhances Kubernetes in terms of security, network, storage, compute, cluster management, and platform deployment to meet the requirements of telecom operators.

The TECS OpenPalette architecture consists of the following components:

CaaS (Container as a Service): This component provides a basic container runtime platform that supports lightweight virtualization and high performance for ICT applications. It also provides local container image repository service, unified login and tenant operation portal, and platform deployment and management service.

• Infrastructure Service Component: This component provides rich middleware and enhanced middleware for telecom domain on top of the CaaS platform. It also provides middleware support and hosting service for tenants when they perform service orchestration.

• COS (Capability Open Service): This component provides a capability exposure service framework based on the API lifecycle to support higher-level capability opening for customers. It also provides DevOps tools and methods to facilitate agile development and delivery of cloud-native applications.

• OPS+ (Operation Plus): This component provides intelligent O&M (Operation and Maintenance) service based on machine learning and expert system to support efficient O&M assistance and big data analysis service for customers. It also provides policy support for resource optimization, fault diagnosis, and performance management.

TECS OpenPalette architecture

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