HURI, previously known as Comores Télécoms, is a premier telecommunications operator in the Union of the Comoros, an island nation in the Indian Ocean. As the national telecom provider, HURI has been instrumental in connecting the Comorian population through voice, data, and mobile financial services. Over the years, the company has embraced modern technologies, including 2G, 3G, and 4G networks, to meet the growing demands of its customers. Although 5G is not yet available in the Comoros, HURI is actively upgrading its infrastructure to support advanced services like VoLTE (Voice over LTE) and mobile money solutions.
Operating in a competitive landscape alongside other telecom providers like Yas Comoros, HURI has maintained a strong market position due to its extensive network coverage, affordable tariffs, and innovative services. The company has also been at the forefront of introducing mobile financial services, which are crucial in a region where traditional banking infrastructure is limited.
HURI’s active frequency bands include 900 MHz and 1800 MHz for 2G, 2100 MHz for 3G, and 800 MHz for 4G LTE. The company has recently launched several innovative products, including bundled data and voice packages, mobile money services, and affordable internet plans tailored to the needs of Comorian users.
Comprehensive List of HURI USSD Codes
Below is a detailed list of popular, useful, and up-to-date USSD codes for HURI, including mobile money and financial services. These codes are designed to help customers manage their accounts, check balances, purchase data bundles, and access other services seamlessly.
Code | Description | Comorian | French | Arabic |
*111# | Check your current account balance. | Angalia salio yako ya akaunti. | Vérifiez votre solde de compte. | تحقق من رصيد حسابك. |
*102# | Check your remaining data balance. | Angalia salio yako ya data. | Vérifiez votre solde de données. | تحقق من رصيد البيانات المتبقي. |
*100*VoucherCode# | Recharge your account using a voucher. | Pata muda wa kutumia kwa kutumia voucher. | Rechargez votre compte avec un voucher. | قم بشحن رصيدك باستخدام كود القسيمة. |
*103# | Access the menu to buy data bundles. | Nunua vifurushi vya data. | Achetez des forfaits internet. | شراء باقات البيانات. |
*101# | Display your phone number. | Angalia nambari yako ya simu. | Affichez votre numéro de téléphone. | عرض رقم هاتفك. |
*144# | Check your mobile money account balance. | Angalia salio yako ya pesa mkoba. | Vérifiez votre solde de mobile money. | تحقق من رصيد محفظتك النقالة. |
*144*RecipientNumber*Amount# | Send money to another mobile money user. | Tuma pesa kwa mtumiaji mwingine wa pesa mkoba. | Envoyez de l’argent à un autre utilisateur de mobile money. | إرسال الأموال إلى مستخدم آخر. |
*144*AgentNumber*Amount# | Withdraw cash from a mobile money agent. | Toa pesa kutoka kwa wakala wa pesa mkoba. | Retirez de l’argent auprès d’un agent mobile money. | سحب النقود من وكيل محفظة نقالة. |
*144*BillCode*Amount# | Pay utility bills using mobile money. | Lipa bili kwa kutumia pesa mkoba. | Payez vos factures avec mobile money. | دفع الفواتير باستخدام المحفظة النقالة. |
*144*4# | Reset your mobile money PIN. | Weka upya PIN yako ya pesa mkoba. | Réinitialisez votre code PIN mobile money. | إعادة تعيين رمز PIN للمحفظة النقالة. |
APN Settings for Mobile Internet
To access mobile internet on HURI’s network, configure your device with the following APN settings:
- APN Name:
- Username: (Leave blank)
- Password: (Leave blank)
- Authentication Type: None
- APN Type: Default
Customer Care Contact Information
- Customer Care Number:
+269 773 07 07
- Short Code:
HURI (formerly Comores Télécoms) remains a cornerstone of telecommunications in the Union of the Comoros, offering reliable voice, data, and mobile financial services to its customers. With a strong focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, HURI continues to enhance its network infrastructure and service offerings. The USSD codes provided above are essential tools for managing your account, accessing mobile money services, and staying connected. As HURI expands its technological capabilities, it is well-positioned to maintain its leadership in the Comorian telecom market.